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Virunga Ranger Widows

Helping Those Who Risk All To Protect Virunga

Helping Those Who Risk All To Protect Virunga

Virunga Ranger Widows

The recent attack on a park’s vehicle causing the death of two more rangers is yet another reminder of the price rangers and their families pay to protect Virunga for the benefit of us all. Rangers put themselves in harm’s way on a daily basis for what the rest of us pay for a cup of coffee — and not a latte or frappuccino, but an ordinary cup of coffee.

This is the unfortunate reality of running a 7,800 square kilometer national park primarily on donations from the international community. Although it’s not possible to pay rangers more, we are trying to find a way to better take care of them when they are gravely injured, as well as provide for their families in the event they are killed. Probably the best way to do this is for each of us to look at our discretionary spending (coffee, movies, dinners out, etc.) and see if we can shave off just a little and direct it toward those paying the ultimate price to save Virunga.

Today, as you enjoy safety and relative economic stability in your respective countries, please take a minute to truly contemplate what the widows and children of rangers Michel Imanirafasha and Philippe Nzabonimpa are going through. Heartbreaking loss, fear, uncertainly, exposure are probably but a few of the words that would describe their feelings. Now consider what a monthly donation could do to make their situations more bearable. A donation of $30.00 per month will prevent an entire ranger family from spiraling into abject poverty. Too much for some of you? OK, whatever works. When families in Congo survive on $1.50 a day, clearly any amount helps. I know, talk can be cheap, so today I am personally going to sign up to support a ranger family for $30.00 a month. I hope some of you will join me in giving our dedicated rangers and their families the support they have earned. We are committed to providing each of the nearly 150 widows with this support per month, but we can’t do it without your help.

In the coming weeks, I will be setting up a formal Widows and Rangers Fund page on the website. The page will provide updates on our progress to secure funding for all widows and their families, progress on rangers recovering from their injuries, and the life stories of rangers killed while protecting Virunga National Park. Thank you all for reading this plea for help. Please remember, without the rangers there would be no Virunga.

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