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Rebuilding Rumangabo School for Future Gorilla Guardians

Rebuilding Rumangabo School for Future Gorilla Guardians


The reconstruction of the primary school at Virunga HQ is underway to provide a better education for Virunga’s children

The primary school at Rumangabo was originally built during the colonial era. Civil war and the passage of time have reduced the buildings to rubble or a shadow of their former self and children are now being educated in sub-optimal conditions.

The Murry Foundation, a UK-based non-profit and non-salary taking organization, is building 6 classrooms at a cost of $65,000, and 7 latrines for $18,000 for the 602 children who attend the school.
We will provide regular updates on the school construction on this blog. This school is one of several schools in the buffer zone of Virunga that need re-building. Re-construction began in early September 2008.

If we want future generations to protect the park and the mountain gorillas, we must provide good conditions at school and opportunities to learn about conservation.

This is where the kids play football – it is at the epicentre of this community.

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